It's time to put up or shut up

Now that the rather pointless referendum on keeping MMP is over and done with, the real work starts. You have to play your part, too.

We all know that Pundit readers are the best, most informed, wisest and subscribe to the highest possible standards of personal hygiene in the entire blogosphere.

(Yeah, Kiwipolitico ... I'm looking at you and asking when you last cleaned under your fingernails?)

We also know that you're just bursting with opinions on all sorts of things. In particular, you know all the problems there are with our voting system and just how they need to be fixed.

Well, now you can do your bit towards making this happen. The Electoral Commission has just put up a public feedback site, looking for your input into its post-referendum review of MMP.

So ... take 5 minutes and write (using 750 characters of less) in the comments section below what you would like to see changed about MMP. Then copy it, head over to the Commission's website, and tell them too

(Or, if you like, you can take longer than 5 minutes and more than 750 characters and make a longer submission here.)

OK - have at it! It's only the entire future of our democracy that is at stake!!!