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New pundits

Four new voices join the Pundit lineup

Pundit has always tried to be a site that encourages thoughtful debate and conversation, covering all manner of viewpoints.

To that end we've pulled together a group of people who not only have something to say, but who have some expertise in, or insight into, what they're talking about. We're not so much concerned about where they sit on the political spectrum, so much as if they can think, write and offer something more than some loose thought constructed in the shower that morning.

The Pundits all come and go at various times, given other demands on our time. This summer, especially, has been pretty quiet. But behind the scenes we've been doing some recruiting.

While we are sad to farewell Deborah Coddington, Rob Salmond and Toby Manhire, today I can reveal the four new Pundits joining our crew.

  • Wyatt Creech: Former deputy Prime Minister during the 4th National government, now businessman and director.
  • Nick Leggett: Porirua mayor (the country's youngest)
  • Josie Pagani: Political commentator, communications consultant and Labour candidate.
  • Susan Wood: Broadcaster (one word which covers having been a reporter, foreign correspondent and hosted most TV and radio slots you can think of.)

Nick, you will note, is an active politician. This is something new for us as we don't want to site to be a platform for people's political careers and campaigns. But a) this is an opinion and commentary site; b) it's perfectly transparent as we all know he's a mayor and Labour Party member; c) he hopes to give voice to a range of local government issues (amongst other things) that get little public attention and of course won't use this as a campaign tool.

Josie and Wyatt both also come from clearly partisan positions, but are also well-known as independent and challenging thinkers. Susan is different again, as a respected journalist without any party connections.

So we welcome them and hope you'll enjoy their words and wisdom. They're looking forward to engaging with you, but of course you know how Pundit works -- play the ball, not the person.

And thanks again for popping by; be sure to tell your friends about us...